Thursday, November 22, 2012

New Breed of Global Donors Merges Money With Activism ...

November 20, 2012, 10:23 am

The Christian Science Monitor names eight ?innovative philanthropists? from around the world who apply personal activism and business savvy to buttress their financial contributions to favored causes.

Among those recognized by the newspaper are Azim Premji, the technology mogul the newspaper terms the ?Bill Gates of India?; U.K. financier Nat Sloane, who developed one of Britain?s first venture philanthropy funds; and activist donors and social entrepreneurs in the United States, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, and?Japan.

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SpongeBob Christmas special goes stop-motion

This undated publicity photo provided by Nickelodeon shows the SpongeBob Squarepants holiday special, "Tis The Season To Be Jerky." The special will debut Friday, Nov. 23, 2012, on CBS and then air Dec. 9 on Nickelodeon. (AP Photo/Nickelodeon, Christopher M. Lynch)

This undated publicity photo provided by Nickelodeon shows the SpongeBob Squarepants holiday special, "Tis The Season To Be Jerky." The special will debut Friday, Nov. 23, 2012, on CBS and then air Dec. 9 on Nickelodeon. (AP Photo/Nickelodeon, Christopher M. Lynch)

(AP) ? How does "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!" squeeze even more fun out of our porous little hero and the Bikini Bottom gang? By turning the animated characters three-dimensional for their holiday special.

In a tribute to classic fare such as "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," the "SpongeBob SquarePants" crew has been re-imagined as puppets and put through their comedy paces for stop-motion photography.

The story line as dreamed up by Tom Kenny, the voice of SpongeBob, and his musical collaborator Andy Paley: The denizens of Bikini Bottom are suddenly rude because of exposure to jerktonium, a plot by naughty Plankton to get on Santa's (voiced by guest star John Goodman) nice list.

Plankton "wants to put everyone on their worst behavior when they should be on their best behavior, and zany mayhem ensues," Kenny said.

"It's a SpongeBob Christmas!" debuts 9:30 p.m. EST Friday on CBS, followed by an encore on the show's home network, Nickelodeon, at 7:30 p.m. EST Sunday, Dec. 9.

The first-time foray into stop-motion is a welcome change for the 13-year-old "SpongeBob," Kenny said.

"It's fun that after all these years we can still do stuff that's a little different. It's like reinventing the wheel a little bit ? if you can refer to a square character as a wheel," he added, unable to resist the quip.

The actor looks back fondly on childhood memories of "Rudolph" from the Rankin-Bass studio and other stop-action projects. Even the TV commercial that put Santa on an electric razor subbing for a sleigh gets a Kenny shoutout.

Asked if young viewers might be fazed by seeing the familiar characters in a new guise, Kenny mulled the question before rebutting it.

"The characters act the same, the recording process is exactly the same. Our job is exactly the same. ... There's still plenty of the animated mayhem and anarchy that happens in the 2-D version of the show."

Screen Novelties, the Los Angeles studio that produced the Christmas special, made a feast out of the job. In just one of their inventive approaches, filmmakers used fruit-flavored cereal to create a coral reef.

"I came to the studio and they had hundreds of boxes of cereal open and were hot-gluing it together," Kenny recalled.

The Patrick Star puppet was covered in wool-like material and SpongeBob "wasn't a sponge but some kind of weird material they found somewhere," he said. "They're like 'MacGyver,' always repurposing something."

The TV special has a small element of recycling. Kenny calls it a testament to "a goofy little song" he and Paley wrote three years ago ? "Don't Be a Jerk, (It's Christmas)."

"Bring joy to the world, it's the thing to do. But the world does not revolve around you. Don't be a jerk, it's Christmas" is among its bouncy yet cautionary verses.

The tune is among a dozen included on the digital release "It's a SpongeBob Christmas! Album," most written by Kenny and Paley (a songwriter-producer who's worked with artists including Brian Wilson and Blondie). Four songs are part of the special.

Music fans might want to check out the album for its craftsmanship. The veterans who play on it include harpist Corky Hale and harmonica player Tommy Morgan, both of whom have backed a roster of big stars, including Billie Holliday and Frank Sinatra.

The recording sessions proved an early holiday gift for Kenny.

"We'd spend a half-hour working and then make the musicians tell stories about who they played with," he said.



Associated Press


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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tasweek Chief Masood Al Awar discusses UAE's property market ...

Al Awar gave an overview of the current market and the challenges it faces, giving the audience a basis to judge whether the worst is over for the property sector after the subprime crisis.

Taking place on November 20, 2012 at the Jumeirah Emirates Towers in Dubai, the latest edition of the Forum gathered some of the region's most prominent CEOs and business leaders to discuss key industry issues and developments. Al Awar, a respected real estate veteran with almost a decade of experience, delivered the Keynote Address on Property to kick off the Forum's afternoon panel sessions. The Tasweek Chief is credited for selling some of the first freehold units in the UAE and is highly sought for his valuable views on the state and future of real estate in the UAE and across the Arab region.
Al Awar also joined a distinguished panel comprising some of the biggest names in the property industry to discuss the condition of the UAE market, lessons learned over the past years, and how local business is supported by sustainable foundations.

"The year 2012 was another year of adjustment for industry. If players strategize properly, then we could soon see the property market returning to its bullish form. The key is to understand what industry forces are at work, what the market sentiments are, and what growth options are available out there. The 7th Arabian Business Economic Forum is an ideal platform to unveil what Tasweek has learned from its extensive market research. We want to help set up the region's real estate sector for a strong performance in 2013," said al Awar.

Through Al Awar's customer-focused strategies, Tasweek Real Estate Development and Marketing has emerged as a respected one-stop shop for property development. Tasweek's services include Purchase and Sale of Strategic Assets; Asset Management; Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; and Marketing Consultancy. Among the company's major achievements for 2012 is planning the completion of a USD 250 million property portfolio covering some of the world's top real estate developments.
The Arabian Business Economic Forum is an invitation-only event that accepts only individuals working for blue-chip organizations.

Its topics range from hospitality and manufacturing to real estate and interplanetary space exploration. Among the Forum's highlights this year were the Q&A interviews and Expert Panel Discussions with BBC Television Presenter and ITP Group Chairman Andrew Neil. Around 300 people attended the event, which featured many prominent key speakers including Kingdom Hotel CEO Sarmad Zok, Zamil Group CEO Abdullah Zamil, and NASA scientist Charles Elachi.


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Chris Hemsworth Marvels At 'Avengers' Success: 'We Pulled It Off!'

MTV News is thankful for the superhero mash-up and Hemsworth's huge 2012.
By Josh Horowitz

Chris Hemsworth in "Avengers"
Photo: Paramount Pictures


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There's More Than One Way to Write a Book! - A Book Inside

As with many tasks in life, there is more than one way to achieve the goal of writing a book. But what if there are numerous contributors to the book; two, three, or even four people working on it at one time? These may include a couple different authors cooping, a person in charge of design, Introduction, Indexers, and even a different person who is not a writer, but came up with the original idea for the book. How do all these people successfully work together?

One of these instances is a new release titled, Gal Pal Poker. With a whopping 13 authors and contributors, it?s amazing this project could come together at all?and successfully!

Gal Pal Poker is a fun-filled book with unique poker games, poker trivia (you must read about Poker Alice, WOW!>>>>), and delicious food and drink recipes. And while there was only one primary ?writer,? all 13 had a part to play in the composition of the book. In addition to the actual writer, there was an art contributor, a chef for recipes, and ten 60 and 70 something ?mature? women adding their original home-made poker games to the mix.

A Bit of History?
Over a ten year period (and counting) the woman of the Gal Pal Poker group have been meeting twice monthly for a fun-filled night of laughter and camaraderie. Gal Pal Poker is an accumulation and explanation of standard poker games the woman have tweaked and re-created to add to their already good time.

So how did they get this project together with so many contributors??it wasn?t easy! The ?players? first began by writing out each of their ?unique? games on scratch paper and handed them over to the primary writer. The ?writer? edited the games and put them in order under in categories, i.e., games played with 3, 5, or 7 cards. Then they were laid out into Stud or Draw games. Once this process was done, recipes were created and added. The trivia was researched and added to fill in the gaps. Sound easy? Nope. When you?re working with so many contributors, things get added at last minute and other things need to be moved and rearranged like crazy! After each rearrangement was finished, the script then had to get into the hands of each of the contributors for approval; then came the editing. With each person having their own ideas and perspectives on how the book should be laid out and read, the changes and adjustments were tremendous. And with this one off visiting family this week, and that one on vacation next week, all in all, this process took nearly two years to complete. The Gals sadly even had one of their own die suddenly from a massive heart attack during the process.

The Gals suggest that if you are contemplating co-authoring a book with others, set a plan and designate each contributor to their own job?and stick to it! Make a schedule of when you will meet as a group and use that time to cover all the issues that arise with book production.

Since the Gal Pal women are mature and not necessarily in need of extra income, they decided as a group to donate proceeds from the sale of this book to The Women?s Safety and Resource Center in Coos Bay, Oregon. The Women?s Safety and Resource Center exists to contribute to a violence-free community by providing a safe haven and life-building empowerment for abused women and children and inspiring the community to new levels of cooperation, thoughtful effort, and action.

No money? So why did they write it? After speaking to each of the women, it seems they just wanted to share the enjoyment they?ve had for so many years and encourage other women to keep bonded and spend special time together. ?Gals need to stay close to their Gal friends, especially after marriage.? The donation part was actually an afterthought.

Gal Pal Poker is available through all the normal sellers including, Barnes & Noble, Nook, and Kindle. Or simply ask your local book seller.

The Gal Pals do have a new website (still under construction) at and even a gift shop at galpalpoker

This book would make a wonderful Christmas gift or ?bachelorette? party gift! It?s a really nice book and I think I?ll order it and put together my own Gal Pal Poker night!!

Let?s help the Gal Pals get the word out about this great book and support this wonderful charity by posting this article to your Facebook page or Tweet about it! Thanks!


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New Study Review Examines Benefits of Music Therapy ... -

? Alternative Medicine ? ? Surgery ? Nov 19, 2012

A new study review published by the University of Kentucky found that music therapy can be beneficial to patients before, during and after a surgical procedure and may reduce pain and recovery time.

Published in the Southern Medical Journal, the review examined the use of music in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative stages of the surgical process, and music was shown to have positive results in all three stages. Patients were less anxious before the procedure and recovered more quickly and satisfactorily after by being exposed to music intra- and post-operation. They also required less sedative medication and reported better satisfaction with their medical experience.

?Music therapists have long known that music can be an effective tool to manage pain and anxiety,? said Lori Gooding, UK director of music therapy and lead author on the review. ?Here at UK, our music therapists regularly use music-based interventions to help patients manage both pain and anxiety.?

Some research suggests that music-based interventions can be effective in reducing anxiety, pain perception and sedative intake. Music that is selected by trained personnel is preferred because specific guidelines for music selection should be followed in order to maximize its positive effect on patients, though the patient?s musical tastes should still be considered. It is suggested that several ?playlists? be offered and the patient can choose one that best suits their tastes.

Characteristics of the music are also important in effective music therapy. Among other features, the tempo, rhythm and volume of the music can be carefully controlled in order to maximize the positive effect that music can have. Calm, slow, gentle music was shown to produce the most positive results and facilitate relaxation and pain reduction in patients. Data proposes that music could be beneficial in reducing cost and length of stay in intensive care units.

Other findings show that medical music therapists serve as good consultants when implementing music medicine-based interventions. Specialized training can help them to better manage pain and anxiety in surgical patients and it has been proposed that live performances for patients are more effective than recorded music.

UK began providing music therapy for patients in Kentucky Children?s Hospital, UK Chandler Hospital and UK Good Samaritan Behavioral Health in October 2010. Based on the findings from this review, Gooding and her team have begun implementing two pilot programs in the pre-op unit at UK, one for procedural support/pain and the other for patient distress.

?Our goal is to decrease patient pain and anxiety as well as improve satisfaction with the surgical experience,? Gooding said. ?We also hope the program benefits staff by allowing them to do their jobs more easily and effectively.?

The UK Music Therapy program, which was established as part of the Lucille Caudill Little Performing Arts in HealthCare Program, is a unique partnership between the UK School of Music and UK HealthCare. Since the program?s inception, Gooding has worked to establish its clinical, academic and research components. Educating the health care, university and local communities about the evidenced-based bene?ts of music therapy is a vital role in program development.

In 2013, Gooding and colleague Olivia Yinger will present findings on procedural support music therapy to reduce pediatric pain and distress at the International Symposium on Pediatric Pain in Sweden.


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Pop-filled night planned for American Music Awards

FILE - In this Oct. 30, 2012 file photo, U.S. singer Nicki Minaj performs on stage to promote the release of her second album "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded" at the O2, London. Justin Bieber will share the stage with Nicki Minaj, Ludacris and Chris Brown will perform with Swizz Beatz, and other top talent are scheduled to perform at the American Music Awards, Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012, broadcast live on ABC. (AP Photo/Invision, Mark Allan, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 30, 2012 file photo, U.S. singer Nicki Minaj performs on stage to promote the release of her second album "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded" at the O2, London. Justin Bieber will share the stage with Nicki Minaj, Ludacris and Chris Brown will perform with Swizz Beatz, and other top talent are scheduled to perform at the American Music Awards, Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012, broadcast live on ABC. (AP Photo/Invision, Mark Allan, File)

Rihanna attends the GQ "Men Of The Year" party at the Chateau Marmont on Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by John Shearer/Invision/AP)

FILE - In this Sept. 16, 2012 file photo, "American Idol" Season 12 judge Nicki Minaj arrives for day one auditions at Jazz at Lincoln Center, in New York. Justin Bieber will share the stage with Nicki Minaj, Ludacris and Chris Brown will perform with Swizz Beatz, and other top talent are scheduled to perform at the American Music Awards, Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012, broadcast live on ABC. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

(AP) ? Along with Rihanna, Nicki Minaj is the top nominee at Sunday's American Music Awards, but the rapper-singer isn't concerned with her four nominations.

"I don't do music for awards," the 29-year-old said in an interview. "It's so crazy because people always have to remind me that I'm nominated for an award when I go to award shows."

"I know they're going to come. I'm sitting here looking at my awards right now," she continued with a laugh. "I never stress it. I think of myself as 'I'll have a career long enough to get all those different awards.'"

In the pop/rock category, Minaj is up for favorite female artist and album for "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded." She's also nominated for favorite artist and album in the hip-hop/rap category, two awards she won last year.

Minaj isn't up for the night's top award, though. Rihanna, Maroon 5, Drake, Katy Perry and Justin Bieber will battle it out for artist of the year.

But the American Music Awards are all about performances, and Sunday's show will be no exception. Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood will perform. Justin Bieber will share the stage with Minaj. Ludacris and Chris Brown will perform with Swizz Beatz. And Stevie Wonder is set to provide the soundtrack for a tribute to the late Dick Clark.

"I'm really going there to perform 'Freedom,'" Minaj said of her new single. "I'm very, very proud of the record and I'm happy that people are going to get to hear it. I'm performing a hip-hop song on the AMAs, and I think . that's just a big look for hip-hop."

Kelly Clarkson, Linkin Park, No Doubt, Usher and Carly Rae Jepsen are also among those set to sing during the three-hour program, which is to be broadcast live on ABC.

Other multiple nominees include Usher, Bieber, Drake, Maroon 5 and One Direction, who have three nods each. Perry, Underwood, Brown, Clarkson, Pitbull, fun., Gotye, J. Cole and Luke Bryan are all double nominees.

American Music Awards nominees were selected based on sales and airplay, and fans chose the winners by voting online.

The 40th anniversary show will also include the tribute to Clark, its creator.

"Dick changed the face of music back in the late '50s," producer Larry Klein said. "Dick is the one who made rock 'n' roll acceptable to come into people's homes... We're paying tribute to Dick because of the legacy that he's left everybody and also the creativity of what he did on this show."


AP Music Writer Mesfin Fekadu contributed to this report from New York.


AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen will be tweeting from the American Music Awards. Follow her at



Associated Press


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Music Review: Oorutaichi Performs at Japan Society

Karsten Moran for The New York Times

Oorutaichi Several influences poured out of this electronic-pop songwriter on Friday at Japan Society. More Photos ?

The elegant, modern foyer and reception room of Japan Society was decked out for a dance party on Friday night featuring the electronic pop of Oorutaichi, a songwriter who lives in Osaka. There were dozens of blinking colored lights hanging from the ceiling, video projections on walls, a curtain of tinsel. Amid the greenery of the serene indoor bamboo pond were lighted balloons shaped like extraterrestrials. Audience members were handed glow-stick bracelets on the way in. Yet all those shiny accouterments were restrained compared with the manic profusion of Oorutaichi?s music.

Using a laptop, a mixer and a microphone for his vocals, Oorutaichi just kept piling things on. Pianos, horns, guitars, orchestral strings, gamelan gongs, international drums. Programmed beats, tinkly bell tones, synthesizer swoops, swirling arpeggios, whistling, crunching, his own multiplied voice, whooshing gusts of white noise. The rhythms lurched, marched, chattered, bounced and strutted, in music not bound by genre. Various songs, at various moments, hinted at house, tarantella, techno, soca and samba.

Through the dizzying mix Oorutaichi sang melodies that bore some resemblance to Japanese pop, though they could take dissonant turns and the lyrics were often just invented syllables. An occasional lyric in English showed a fascination with ?the future,? a favorite Oorutaichi phrase. As he sang, he jumped around a lot.

Oorutaichi played two short sets: one featuring songs from his 2007 album, ?Drifting My Folklore? (Okimi), and one drawing mainly on his most recent album, ?Cosmic Coco, Singing for a Billion Imu?s Hearty Pi? (Out One Disc), from 2011.

He has, in some ways, straightened out his music. Oorutaichi?s older songs, like ?Beshaby,? could be deliberately disjointed, stopping and starting and swerving through disparate sections. More recent ones, like ?Futurelina,? unfold more steadily, moving closer to dance music ? though they wouldn?t be mistaken for standard club fare ? and to the perpetual-motion avant-pop of Animal Collective. Oorutaichi also has a meditative side; a slower song, ?Flower of Life,? mingled echoes of the Beach Boys and Terry Riley. But then he returned to upbeat, supercharged, overflowing, zany pop, applying all his sounds, technology and ideas toward immediate gratification and the joys of far too much sonic information. ?Please dance like a U.F.O., like a kind of alien,? he urged, and the audience did its best.


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FBI arrests JFK worker for iPad theft

From Craigslist. Click to enlarge.

FORTUNE -- He's been called "bonehead," "Dumbfellas" and the "less-than-master-mind" behind the theft of 3,600 iPad minis Monday night from the JFK cargo building that was the site of the 1978 Lufthansa heist featured in "Goodfellas."

Court papers filed Friday in Brooklyn show that one Renel Rene Richardson has been arrested by the FBI and charged with acting as the lookout for a pair of accomplices as they allegedly forklifted two pallets containing 1,800 iPad minis each into a waiting tractor-trailer.

The FBI was reportedly led to Richardson after co-workers told Port Authority detectives that he had made suspicious inquiries about when the iPads were due to arrive and where a forklift might be found.

According to the New York Post, which broke the story,?Richardson accompanied detectives Wednesday night as they searched Long Island for the getaway truck.

Stolen iPads that have not been registered with Find My iPad are not as easy to track as you might think. Apple (AAPL) presumably has their serial numbers on file, but unless the tablets' modems are activated, the company has no way of tracing their location.

The NYC Police Department has been encouraging new owners to register their iPhones and iPads in case they later get stolen, and sites like? crime victims a place?post the serial numbers of missing devices after the fact.

Victims can also search?Craigslist, a favorite venue for fencing stolen Apple products. As of Sunday morning there were dozens of brand new iPad minis listed on the site as available for sale on Long Island.?"Need to sell tonight," reads a typical (and perhaps perfectly innocent) listing. "Do not low ball me."


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The 10 Most Common Nursing Home Violations | Connecticut ...

by Charles Ornstein

.(Image: iStockPhoto)

ProPublica today is updating our Nursing Home Inspect tool, which now includes details of more than a quarter-million deficiencies identified by government regulators at U.S. nursing homes over the past three years.

Since releasing this information on its website this summer, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has added details of historical violations found in nursing homes. The agency now releases narrative reports of these problems from a home?s last three inspection cycles ? or about three years.

ProPublica created Nursing Home Inspect to allow users to easily search through the reams of reports, looking for trends or particular problems. Earlier this month, we used the tool to find examples of homes that had been cited for violating residents? voting rights. We also came up with a tipsheet for how to best search the records.

Nursing homes are inspected annually, called a standard survey, and when there is a complaint. Inspectors typically work for state agencies paid by Medicare. If they find problems, known as deficiencies, they rank them on a scale of A to L, the most severe. The vast majority are either labeled D or E.

Of the 262,500 deficiencies in our database, here are the 10 regulations most commonly violated by nursing homes:

Facility is Free of Accident Hazards: 17,331

Facility Establishes Infection Control Program: 14,186

Provide Necessary Care for Highest Practicable Well-Being: 13,401

Store/Prepare/ Distribute Food Under Sanitary Conditions: 11,746

Develop Comprehensive Care Plans: 9,070

Services Provided Meet Professional Standards: 8,986

Clinical Records Meet Professional Standards: 7,962

Not Employ Persons Guilty of Abuse: 7,288

Drug Regimen is Free from Unnecessary Drugs: 7,040

Dignity: 6,605

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

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Sexist Russian Advertising Examples - Business Insider

Centro shoes: When you've nothing else to wear.

Russia has come a long way since the?the Iron Curtain fell in 1991, and capitalism ? or an oligarchic version thereof ? blossomed.

But Russian attitudes toward women often remain antediluvian. As recently as twenty years ago, for instance, it was rare to see a woman driving a car, according to Radio Free Europe. Under communism, the image of the Russian woman in a propaganda poster was a dowdy worker in denim and a headscarf.

Not so today. In modern Russian advertising, women have taken on a new role: sex object.

Ads being made in modern Russia look like the kind of thing we used to see in the U.S. in the early 1970s ? "sexy," but in the most sexist way possible. None of the ads in this gallery would fly in the U.S. this century.


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The Rosehip Revue welcomes The Taboo Revue! | SinnSavvy ...

For nearly three years The Rosehip Revue has been seducing Portland audiences with some of the highest quality, libidinous entertainment in the Pacific Northwest. This commitment to excellence has cemented it as a destination stage for many renowned traveling ecdysiasts throughout the continent. With the November 16th, 2012 edition of The Rosehip Revue Portland goes tropical, welcoming the Taboo Revue, which includes burlesquers ?from Hawaii and beyond? to the beautiful stage of The Star Theater.

This trav

eling show features an array of saucy, sexy performers including: Kitty Chow, Lola Love, Miss Catwings, Molotov, Violetta Beretta and Portland?s own Hawaiian transplant Meghan Mayhem. Joining these lovely ladies on the road is renowned bandleader, percussionist and burlesque producer, The Fisherman.

Mixing into the onstage shenanigans of this dynamic travelling show will be The Rosehip Revue?s acclaimed core cast members:
- putting a little pop-n-lock in the bump n? grind, Angelique DeVil!
- King of Burlesque himself, the incorrigible Russell Bruner with the light footed Sugar Kane!
- local libidinous boylesque duo, Burlesquire!
- the lewd and luscious Lana Louche!

As always, the glue binding this powerhouse show together is SinnSavvy?s own comedic nonpareil The Emceeiam, who keeps the show moving and the audience holding their sides.

The Rosehip Revue?s co-presenter, Drambuie Liqueur, will again be providing showgoers with finely crafted Drambuie cocktail recipes? some crafted especially for (and named after) each of Rosehip?s core cast members!

Attendees will also delight in two merchandise areas, courtesy of Metro? Portland?s choice establishment for clothing, accessories, and body piercing; as well as Portland burlesque?s very own Pin-Up Artist extraordinaire, Karina Dale!

Tickets are available at Metro (Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard at 35th Avenue). At the time of ticket purchase, buyers will receive 10% off of any merchandise! You can also purchase tickets online at?

Friday, November 16th, 2012
at the Star Theater
13 NW 6th Avenue, Downtown Portland
Doors open at 9:30pm, Curtain promptly at 10:00pm
$13.00 Advance Tickets, $15.00 At The Door
Drinking-aged adults only, please.


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Friday, November 9, 2012

Reports: Bootlegger's son to be next Anglican leader

Suzanne Plunkett / Reuters

Justin Welby, the Bishop of Durham, walks through Westminster in London on Thursday. A former oil executive and critic of corporate excess, he is expected to be named on Friday as the next Archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the world's 80 million Anglicans.

By Alastair Jamieson, NBC News

LONDON ? A former oil executive whose father was a bootlegger in prohibition-era America and later a friend of the Kennedys, will on Friday be named the new spiritual leader of the world?s 80 million Anglicans, British media reports said.

Justin Welby, 56, the Bishop of Durham, who has risen quickly within the Church of England hierarchy since quitting the world of commerce in 1992, will be the next Archbishop of Canterbury, according to ITV News and U.K. newspaper reports.

The Church of England is known in the U.S. as the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America. Its Presiding Bishop is currently Katharine Jefferts Schori.

The official announcement will be made by the UK government on Friday. Neither the government, nor Bishop Welby himself, would publicly confirm or deny Thursday?s reports. "I am not able to comment," he told ITV News.

The change in leadership follows the resignation of the current Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, ending a turbulent era in which the Church of England has been sharply divided on issues such as same-sex marriage, female clergy and gay bishops.

Welby faces the near-impossible task of reconciling traditionalists and liberals among the church's 77 million worldwide followers.

Welby went to the same exclusive private school, Eton College, as British Prime Minister David Cameron, London mayor Boris Johnson and Princes William and Harry.

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His late father was sent to America in 1929 as a teenager after his grandmother went bust in the financial crash.

"I remember my father telling me she gave him five pounds and put him on a boat," the bishop told the Mail on Sunday earlier this year. "He said he went to New York in 1929 and traded whiskey. When I was studying history, the penny dropped that Prohibition ended in 1933 and he had a lot of friends who had Italian ancestry, so he was bootlegging. He was illegally trading whiskey."

Bishop Welby added: "He went on to become successful in the whiskey business and must have met the Kennedys by moving in the right social circle."

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Welby?s father introduced John F. Kennedy to his first mistress, a 21-year-old Swedish aristocrat, weeks before the future President?s marriage to society beauty Jacqueline Bouvier, the Mail on Sunday said.

Jonathan Wynne-Jones, the Chicago-based British journalist who first broke the story for the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph, told NBC News:??"It is an excellent choice. He is a very down-to-earth guy and self-deprecating.

"He is nobody?s fool, but many people felt intimidated by Rowan Williams? intellect whereas I think Bishop Welby will prove to be an effective communicator."

Welby is widely reported to be against gay marriage but broadly in favor of the ordination of women bishops, two of the most divisive issues in the communion.

The Daily Telegraph said: "At a time when the Church is grappling with the aftermath of the banking crisis, he combines ? almost uniquely ? an understanding of the working of the City with that of life in the inner city, gleaned as a parish priest and Dean of Liverpool."

The new archbishop will earn about $120,000 a year. He will have lodgings in the Old Palace in Canterbury, southeast England, and the historic riverside Lambeth Palace in London. His tenure will last until retirement at 70 or until he decides to move on.

ITV News is the U.K. partner of NBC News.

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