Fitness and looking young is on the minds of many these days. It is one of the effects of the aging of the baby boomer generation. We don?t want to ?go gentle in that good night.? The digital age has given us access to websites with calorie counter applications. In our quest for self reliance, we have many times eliminated the health care provider who formerly would give you a printed diet and guidelines and presumably would be available if you experienced a bad health consequence, especially if you were severely limiting your calories. So what should you know if you are using a daily calorie counter to improve your health but you don?t want to sacrifice beautiful skin?
One of the most important things you can do for your skin, if you are a calorie counter, is realize that your skin is a body organ just like your liver, heart, stomach. Skin, like other organs, is constantly renewing itself and it needs energy and nutrients for that process. Although research on the skin and nutrition is limited, we do know that what is good for your other organs is good for your skin. Everyone has heard of the importance of anti-oxidants. So, first, think color, that is, colorful food. When you sit down to enter your meals into that calorie counter, check if you have plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables: green and red peppers, spinach, oranges, squashes, tomatoes, blueberries. Colorful food is rich in anti-oxidants.
The other easy fix is to replace meat with salmon or tuna, which is a double delight for calorie counters. You get omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Imagine a beautiful tuna steak grilled to perfection and topped with a colorful mango-red pepper salsa, and save steak and other red meat for that rare occasion. I remember giving our cocker spaniels cod liver oil in their food because it decreases the dryness of their skin and the intact skin was a barrier to allergic or infective processes. The fish oil also made their coat shiny. Get the idea. If you have disliked fish in the past, check out all the recipes on the web. That calorie counter website you use probably has recipes right on the site.
You don?t have to ?go gently into that good night, old age should burn and rage at end of day?. Keep your skin healthy. Feed it.
Sydney Green is an accomplished Registered Nurse who specializes in personal well being and has received special certification pertaining to self-help. Proper diet without being a calorie counter and organ health are her personal loves. Find her at Ask for Nurse Sydney!
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