Friday, January 4, 2013

Is Your Website Mobile Revolution Ready? | Ben Francia

BF RWD Responsive Web Design: Is Your Website Mobile Revolution Ready?
For the past couple of months, I?ve been working on a new mobile friendly version of my website but have been unable to launch it since my team ?has been preoccupied with a lot of our offshore web development projects and my site just kept on being bumped in favor of client projects.

Then fortunately, in spite of the busy schedule during the holidays, we were able to finally launch version 3.0 of before end of the year! icon smile Responsive Web Design: Is Your Website Mobile Revolution Ready?

What?s cool about this new version of my site is that it already makes use of ?Responsive Web Design? (often abbreviated as RWD). RWD is an web design approach wherein the the whole design and layout of the website ?responds? and changes depending on the size of the screen of the device being used to view the website for easy viewing and user experience. This means no more horizontal scroll bars, zooming and panning when viewing website on your smartphones. Cool right!

What makes it even cooler is that this Web Design Approach prepares your website for the Mobile Internet Era. no less has dubbed 2013 as the year of Responsive Web Design. With more than 30M Filipinos who are already online, 25% of which are already accessing the Internet through their mobile devices. And with the increased sales of Internet Ready Mobile Devices (even overtaking PC sales) due to the introduction of low cost smart phones, Mobile Internet Users are sure to grow significantly this year!

What does this mean to us doing business online? This means sure business loss if your website cannot be easily viewed by Mobile Netizens!

Responsive Web Design isn?t a Fad! It is a trend and a revolution that every online business needs to adapt to. And for those who aren?t taking advantage of RDW on their websites yet, Catch up? or Catch you later! icon smile Responsive Web Design: Is Your Website Mobile Revolution Ready?


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