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Click Image To Visit SiteUse on Unlimited Number of Domains. You can put our autoresponder to work for you even on your free-hosted webpages.
Send Unlimited Number of Follow-up Emails. You can send follow-up email everyday if you want. Some autoresponder services allow you only 20 follow-up emails.
Works on Unlimited number of subscribers. It will work great even if you have 100 or 1 Million subscribers.
All follow-up emails can have an attachment ? you can attach any file type to your email messages up to 2MB
Power Checking of Duplicate Email Addresses. Once an email has been used, it will delete the same email address if use in subscribing again. You free-up yourself in cleaning your database of duplicate email addresses.
You will never be accused of spamming. You will always have an email sent to you as a PROOF of the actual email address and IP address of your subscribers.
You will receive a report every time a follow-up is sent to your subscribers. You will always know what you autoresponder is doing for you.
SUPER BONUS: Order now and receive MASTER Resell Rights so you can sell Autoresponder Unlimited and keep 100% $$$ of the profits! You?ll even get a copy of this sales page which you can easily customize! Read more?
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