Thursday, October 4, 2012

Writing A Blog Post? How to Write A Blog Post Fast - Andrea Bolder

write blog posts fastAre you writing a blog post but get stuck with how to write a good blog post fast? In this article we are going to lay out a simple to follow process on how to write a blog post fast. When you want to make money with your blog and capture leads online, the more articles you are able to crank out every day, the more traffic you will drive to your blog. The more traffic, the more sales you will make. So it is imperative you get efficient at writing great blog posts fast.

Writing blog posts to publish on your own personal sites and article directories are reliable, long-term traffic generation methods that will continue to work for you long after you hit publish. It is not some short-lived, black-hat strategy where you are trying to out-smart Google into giving your blog post high rankings. Writing blog posts that contain great SEO content will create for you a steady flow of traffic to your blog or website on a daily basis.

The most critical thing to do when writing a blog post for traffic is to send traffic to one of your squeeze pages. You should always be focused on capturing leads and subscribers. This is how you build and grow your email list. For those of you who are not familiar with a squeeze page -a? squeeze page is the place where you present your blog visitor with an irresistible offer or some sort of incentive to encourage them to give you their name and email address in exchange for the free gift.

If you are publishing to article directories, you will have access to a resource box which allows you to add a call to action with a link directing traffic to your squeeze page. Most article directory sites will allow you to add 2 links. I typically redirect one link to my primary blog and the second link to my squeeze page to build your list.

How To Write A Blog Post Fast

Here are my steps for how to write a blog post fast:

* Write About What You Already Know - I tend to pull my blog posts from information I already know am somewhat familiar with. If you want to be able to write a blog post fast you have to pull from information you already have stored in your brain. That is the secret to speed writing. When you know the information you don?t have to spend a lot of time doing research and you can literally get to the point where the word flow just as if you were speaking. If you are writing blog posts on topics you are not that familiar then it is important that you do some preliminary research prior to sitting down to write so you don?t get distracted my what you don?t know. After a while you will be able to write blog posts with ease.

* Bullet Points - Breaking down each of your blog posts into sections or bullet points. Not only will this improve your blog writing speed, it will help you easily re-purpose your content into a video that you can then use to drive traffic and leads back to your site. So when you section off your blog posts you only have to concentrate on writing small chunks at any given point in time, instead of having to tackle an entire blog post all at once.

Split up your blog posts into smaller sections or bullet points and you can use those snippets as follow messages to your subscriber list, or as Facebook status updates, etc. Bullet points also give you ideas of future topics and blog posts to write about. Just expand on your bullet point to create a full length blog post that your readers will love.

* Practice, Practice, Practice - I have gotten to the point in my blogging career that I can crank out 10 -12 blog posts in a 6 hour period?Yes, I?m a super blogging ninja!! I just get in front of the computer and I type. It?s like magic. I don?t worry about being super technical or grammatically correct (that is what spell-check is for) ? I just put my fingers on the keyboard and write and with practice and time I have developed my own writing style, one that works for me and serves my readers as well.

Look you don?t have to be perfect, your blog posts don?t have to be perfect. There is no right or wrong way to string together sentences and paragraphs. So sit down, relax and let the words flow. Let the first thing that hits your mind flow onto the page and just keep writing until you have 4-500 words on a page. Then you can go back, edit, proof read the content, correct spelling errors and punctuation. Many times you?ll find that your blog post doesn?t really need much editing.

* Map Out For Blogging Schedule - Sitting down and writing a blog post is not my idea of fun. Do I enjoy writing, YES! But I rather be sitting on my porch with a tall glass of ice tea. Writing blog posts is boring and it is one of the reasons why very few people do it and even less do it well.? To make article marketing and blog writing work for you, you have to find the energy, motivation and drive to commit to doing it each and every day.

But if you read this post, follow what I teach you and then set aside 90 minutes to two hours a day, and focus on writing at least 4 ? 5 high quality SEO blog posts. With consistent action you will be just fine and you will start to see the fruits of your labor. The best way to guarantee you stay on track is to schedule 90 minutes to two hours each morning to do your blog writing.

Massive action is the only way to get massive results. So do what you set out to do. Turn off your email, eliminate all distractions and just go to work.

* Keep A Stash of Blog Posts - Look let?s admit that most people will not follow through on the one post a day thing. So if you are struggling to stay motivated you may want to take one day and knock out 10-12 articles in a sitting. That way you?ll have several articles you can publish for the week! So if you have some time on your hands, maybe you?re bored or just have nothing better to do, take advantage of that time and stock up on your articles and blog posts. You can schedule your blog posts to be published on a specific date and time using the scheduling features on WordPress. You can take a Sunday afternoon, write a dozen or so blog posts and stagger the publication of them throughout the week. It?s so super simple.

* Pre-formatting your Introduction and Conclusion - For the most part you will want to intro your blog posts the same way. Even though you are talking about different topics, having a standard opening and conclusion will help you easily and quickly form your introduction and conclusion paragraphs.

When writing my blog post introductions I simply tell the reader what I am about to teach them, making sure my keyword is in the first or second sentence, and in the conclusion I pretty much summarize what I?ve talked about and include a strong call to action.

Writing A Blog Post? How to Write A Blog Post Fast.

Soto wrap this up, my advice to you is to set a goal or create a personal challenge. Commit to writing 2-3 articles a day every day for the next 60-90 days.? Your blog posts do not have to be pillar posts, you can shoot for short and simple posts that contain anywhere between 450 and 600 words.

Begin publishing content on your own blog first to make sure you are focused on driving traffic to your site. And then choose a few article directories. Submit to sites like Ezine Articles, Go Articles, Articles Base, etc. If you stay consistent you will see a steady increase in the amount of traffic you blog gets. The more content, the more traffic, and the more money you?ll make.

For more information on how to write your blog posts faster and use article marketing to get build a full time automated income online?

==>> CLICK HERE For My Automated Online Income Plan!


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