A quick few things about me; I'm male, my name is Steven, I'm 23 and I'm from Scotland. I've been RPing for a number of years now, probably about 8 or 9. I prefer RPs via email as I can check emails from work whereas I can't check this website. I usually write several paragraphs and I'd like you to do the same, spelling and grammar are important also although I won't get annoyed by one or two little mistakes here and there. I'm also looking for something long-term here so if you're not looking for that then I'm not the person for you.
Now for the important bit, what kind of RPs I'm looking for. Well I'm into several different genres and even some fandoms so I'll just make a list here, I like original characters when it comes to fandoms rather than playing anyone canon. I only play males and if the other player or character is female then I'm open to romance in any of these genres/fandoms. Anyway, here's a list:
Regency, Victorian, Between the world wars are favourite eras. I'm also open to having some supernatural elements within these timeframes, within reason though, or even alternative history settings, including steam punk.
Star wars:
Preferably the timeline around the first or second Knights of the Old Republic game although I may be open for discussion as to other timelines.
Lord of the Rings:
Before, during or after the films, I'm happy with any option.
I enjoy loads of different kinds of anime but to name a few: Anything by Studio Ghibli, Berserk, Sword Art Online and Dragonball/Dragonball Z. Even something in an original setting but with themes from various animes would interest me.
Doctor Who/Torchwood:
I've always wanted to try something based in the Doctor Who/Torchwood universe with original characters, I think it could be quite interesting.
That's what I can come up with off the top of my head but I'm open to discussion so feel free to get in touch. I'd prefer if you contacted me via email, my address is thelibertine12@gmail.com. I hope to hear from you soon.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/NaGSUfC7KEs/viewtopic.php
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